Sunday, July 31, 2011

Press Releases for SEO

Press Releases are an often overlooked method for creating authority and high value backlinks to your site. I think the biggest reason that press releases are overlooked is that they require special attention and effort in order to get them accepted and published.

Plus, now that Google is shifting emphasis to Authorship, press releases are an excellent way to increase your authorship authority.

First Things First... Be Smart About Keywords and Everything Else

The first thing to remember when crafting your press releases is that they are read and vetted by human beings who have very specific ideas about what they want to see. So being smart about keywords doesn't mean trying to work them in as much as possible. It means writing for people in a natural way. Keywords in the title, keywords in the first and last paragraphs, and Bob's your uncle. Even more important than that... make it interesting.

Tease, Not Please and Above All... Do Not Sell

Press releases are not sales letters. The goal of a press release is to generate interest... they should be very good teasers and nothing more.

I could go on forever about writing press releases but I would just be repeating a lot of what is already out there.


One of the main differences between a press release and a blog post, for example, is the "voice" you use for writing. What that means is how you talk to people. In this blog post, I am speaking directly to you. That means I am speaking in the voice of the "first person." For a press release, the proper voice is the "third person" for both you and your audience.

For example, on a blog I might say, "If you want to get the word out, my Handy Dandy Press Release service is the way to go!"

But for a press release, that becomes, "Press releases are a great way for anyone to get the word out on their newest project."

Enough from me... I'm no expert. But here are some great resources from those who are !

This series is from a pro blogger named Terry who is the husband of pro blogger Forever Amber. It's really one of the best resources on writing press releases that I've ever found and it's a shame he hasn't done more with it. It was actually pretty hard just to find the whole series as Amber's blog doesn't have a search feature.

Are you listening Terry?

Anyway.. here it is:

How to Write Perfect Press Releases
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six

And another good source is this HubPages Hub by Christine OKelly

SEO Press Releases How to Write Them and Where to Submit Them

Now go out and write up a press release!

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